
January 7, 2012

Vintage Moonlight Mellos Marshmallow Tin

Large vintage Moonlight Mellos marshmallow tin by The Patterson Candy Co, Toronto, Canada .

Measuring approx. 10 1/4" by 5" tall.

Shows its years of wear  but a nice piece of advertising collectible to add to your collection of antique tins.

Blue background featuring a fairy on a white rope, moon, white graphics & red and yellow decorations.

Advertising “Fluffy Marshmallows That MELT in the MOUTH”  on one side. On the reverse side “Good for Baking Topping Cakes Eating and Toasting”

$45.00 + Shipping and it's yours!   SOLD

Contact me at lorines @ gmail . com (no spaces)

History: Patterson Candy  Co. was begun in 1888. The plant was built at the southwest corner of Queen Street West & Massey Street. The old Patterson Co. is now known as the Chocolate Company Lofts.

1 comment:

  1. ann baxter, Ohio5:49 AM

    I have one of these tins, and was researching the history. Thank you! I learned something of this marshmallow tin.
